OPGE joins the Blue March for Colorectal Cancer Prevention
· Colon and rectal cancer represents one of the top five neoplasms in frequency throughout the world.
· It mostly affects patients over 50 years of age.
· A diet rich in processed foods, low in fruits and vegetables, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are factors associated with lifestyle that contribute to the development of colon and rectal cancer.
· Although the development of this type of cancer is slow, most patients are diagnosed in advanced stages, which markedly limits the possibility of cure.
· Public Health strategies aimed at primary prevention, healthy lifestyles, reducing risk factors and establishing early detection programs have a positive impact.
March 31 of each year we seek to raise awareness among the general population and the health team about the importance of having prevention strategies for Colon and Rectal Cancer (CRC). Early detection is the key. CRC progresses slowly from small tumors called polyps. Performing regular examinations to detect and completely remove polyps prevents the development of CRC. When we limit ourselves to detecting advanced tumors, although both surgery and oncological treatments with innovative drugs have improved greatly, the possibility of a complete cure decreases significantly.
The Pan American Gastroenterology Organization greets the different member countries that, with different activities, seek to promote healthy lifestyles and raise awareness among both the general population and health professionals to seek strategies for the early diagnosis of precancerous lesions of CRC.
The Argentine Society of Gastroenterology conducted a walk and visit to a giant inflatable colon that visitors could tour and receive information at the same time.
The Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology (FBG) had a prominent participation in the field activities of the Blue March that took place in the city of Óbidos, in the Pará Amazon, between March 9 and 15. The FBG Caravan provided gastroenterological consultations, digestive endoscopies, abdominal ultrasounds and liver elastographs on board the Pope Francis Hospital Ship, which belongs to the Diocese of Óbidos.
The Paraguayan Society of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy organized a successful Run-Walk day “Fight against colon cancer” in the Ñu Guasú Park.
The Ecuadorian Society of Gastroenterology Manabí Chapter has developed a series of activities aimed at doctors in relation to: 2024 Azul – Commitment and task of all, Walking towards Blue March in Cuenca and the Second International Meeting of Colorectal Cancer and artificial intelligence.