2nd Course on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopic Techniques of Upper Digestive Endoscopy begins
Organized by the Chilean Society of Gastroenterology (SCHGE), the Chilean Association of Digestive Endoscopy (ACHED), the Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SIED) and the Pan-American Organization of Gastroenterology (OPGE), with the sponsorship of the National Autonomous Certification Corporation of Medical Specialties (CONACEM); on August 1 begins the 2nd Course of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopic Techniques of Upper Digestive Endoscopy.
The course will last 23 academic hours and has 4 modules with scheduled dates for August 1, August 8, August 29 and September 5. The modality is entirely telematic and online.
Dr. Raúl Araya, a member of the Organizing Committee, states that this course is born from the success that the first course had in 2017 at a national and Latin American level. “At the time it was a contribution and we consider it an opportunity to develop this continuing education activity.This course has also allowed the integration and coordination of all the societies and associations already mentioned, which contributed as part of their objectives, with professionals and professors who pour their experience and updates under evidence in various conferences and classes “The main objective is to help with these tools in the training and education of gastroenterologists, surgeons and scholars, in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of the upper digestive tract. For these reasons, we have great expectations and hope that the objectives set will be met,” he pointed out. .
On September 26, interesting SIED-OPGE conferences will also be given, such as: Be careful with the duodenum! Tips in the diagnosis and therapy of the duodenum, by Dr. Vitor Arantes (Brazil); Management of cystic lesions of the pancreas and pancreatic cancer, by Dr. Edson Guzmán (Peru); Diagnosis and treatment of early gastric cancer, by Dr. Miguel Ángel Tanimoto (Mexico); and State of the art in upper gastrointestinal bleeding, in diagnosis and therapy, by Dr. William Otero (Colombia).
Finally, on October 3, a Round Table on Ethics and Upper Endoscopy will be held, with the participation of Dr. María Ester Bufadel (Chile), Dr. Pablo Cortés (Chile) and Dr. Luis Caro (Argentina).
Registration and program details at