General objective: Promote the dissemination of knowledge, research and new developments in the care of our patients through face-to-face events and electronic media (Continuing Medical Education).
a. Distance learning courses:
Develop modern and effective tools to meet the needs of current and future teaching (implement and strengthen the concept of Distance Courses, Virtual Clinical Cases, etc.
b. Evaluations – Knowledge test – Trivia
Help OPGE member-countries in their educational intentions through support; offer virtual platforms from the Association to improve dissemination, exposure and evaluation tools.
c. Participation in the Congresses of the specialty in American countries:
Stimulate interaction between OPGE and its member-Societies to optimize the content and structure of postgraduate teaching.
Develop work initiatives in science and professional training courses in collaboration with the most prestigious clinical institutions in America.
Promote and apply the approach from Evidence-Based Medicine and the multidisciplinary concept in postgraduate teaching.